Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What makes you wanna stay?

Today was kinda an interesting day, I went thru most of it feeling slightly disoriented due to this crazy congestion thing I have going on, the kind that from time to time makes your hearing a little crazy. Yeah that kind.

But the moral take home points of the day come from a conversation/Argument/counseling session I has with an old friend. My friend has this problem, the problem, a girl. A girl from every which way I can see is using him for personal gain.

But more importantly, to me the girl has already done and said things that to me cannot be undone. Here's my point, I have a certain level of self worth that if some disrespects me past that, or crosses certain boundaries, trust and believe there will be no other opportunity for that kinda sh*t to happen again. This is no 3 strikes state. I'd be D-O-N-E - DONE! More principles at play with me, well 2 come to mind
1. If he hit you once, he will hit you again.
2. Which is a broader look at 1, but 2. When someone shows you who they really are, believe them.

Yes ms. Honey. But because my friend still has this feeling that he still wants to be with her I had to pose the question "what is it in you that make you wanna stay with someone who would treat you that way?" I think too many people worry a lot about others but do not put as much thought, or perhaps even worth in to situations they find themselves in. Sad, yes it is. He a pretty good guy, he can be a little assey sometimes, but nothing that would call for such whack ass behavior towards him.

Don't stand for whack ass behavior folks, put a little more value in you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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